Welcome to the life's story of Nawny our rescue Labrador...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So what do we have in store for Nawny on her first day alone while we are off to work and school you ask? Why thunderstorms of course!

The Labrador gods must be testing us because why oh why are we having the worst set of storms since 05 happen the first week that she has to be alone? Luckily my brother came to the rescue and stayed with her for half the day. Big ups Jeff you are free to raid the fridge as payment.

So all the fuss yesterday seemed like distant memories today. She did ok even with Jeff around. Something funny that both Jeff and I noticed is when Nawny goes into deep sleep and has her doggie dreams, she tends to have either nightmares or some intense dreams. It happened last night and it happened to Jeff today.

It starts with snoring... cute right? But wait there's more, slowly it becomes a twitch of the lip, a few more twitches of the lip, and then a growl, and even a slight baring of the teeth and a snarl! A SNARL! This coming from the most gentle dog I've ever met. Shocking I know, whoever or whatever got her so angry, scared, or confused must have deserved it. Gentle giant with a tough girl alter ego?

The quirks and surprises keep on coming, and finding them out day by day makes me smile from ear to ear.


  1. Hey, one idea that might help: Drape a blanket over the back three-quarters of the crate to make it more like a den. They like that. Makes them feel safer. :-)

  2. Sounds like she's settling in. It often takes a few days to couple of weeks, but you should start seeing improvement as she gets into more of a routine. Sounds like that's already happening. Poor Jack is going a bit stir-crazy at his new home as a result of the rain, as you can imagine.

  3. Sounds like a good idea and def worth a try. Thanks!
