Welcome to the life's story of Nawny our rescue Labrador...

Saturday, January 16, 2010


So first whole day at the condo for Nawny today and for the most part it was uneventful. She seems to still be a bit drowsy from having been knocked out for her teeth cleaning two days ago and spent the majority of the day sleeping and resting. She did however get quite a few nice walks in through the day.

The most interesting part of the day had to have been the continuation of training her to be alone without freaking out. We tried to do short stints by leaving her to go get the mail, or leaving her to go run an errand or two. For the most part she handled it well but she did bite off a piece of the blinds on our door.

We decided to do some covert ops and spy on her when we were out. So Annie and I setup our macbooks to record opposites of the house with the webcams. Sneaky, yes we know. We left her for ten minutes and came back to review the tapes and the results... well you can see for yourself. HA! She was good for the most part, mostly moseyed around whining a bit about being alone. Nawny figured the best way to fix this was to go where she wasn't allowed. Where is that? Well the most comfortable place downstairs... the couch of course! But before doing that perhaps to retaliate being left alone she felt it best to survey the apartment from a high point of view, simply standing half on the couch and half on the coffee table. She decided that after a minute that she got a good enough a perspective and settled in to nap away on the chaise. BUSTED!

(the webcam isn't the greatest camera)

We're still working with her on getting used to her crate, but no matter how inviting or how hard we try to convince her it's a safe place she seems to prefer to lie on the rug which is closer to where we are. We hope that she gets past this separation anxiety before we have to return to work and school next week, but realize practice makes perfect!

1 comment:

  1. I just gave up and bought leather couches and let the dogs lie next to me. Dogs really like couches. :-)
