Welcome to the life's story of Nawny our rescue Labrador...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bing Crosby

We've been hitting a wall with Nawny's progress on separation anxiety and we felt that she did better when we left her out of her crate. Yes, the last time she smashed our cupcakes and a bag of chips the proceeded to leave a puddle of very smelly urine and a pile of poo in our living room. In her defense, that was her first time being left alone, and she hadn't gone to the bathroom for over 24 hours due to stress and nerves. This time we took her on a nice long walk and made sure she did her dirty deeds before leaving her.

Apparently she has a thing for shoe shopping. While we were out Nawny was able to pull out some baskets in which we had stored my shoes and my slippers for the house. It was probably my scent that was comforting because all she did was bring them over to the couch and drop em, so it doesn't seem like she wanted to chew them.

Also, it appears we have a crooner in our midst! A regular Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra if you ask me. In our taping her behavior we found a new development about an hour in. To express her loneliness she decided to express her feelings through song. Here's a taste of the vocal stylings of Nawny...Enjoy!


  1. That is hilarious!!! And our dog Kobe used to find stuff that smelled like us and lie on it while we were gone.

  2. LOL tickets to the next show, please!

  3. ahhahaha she sounds like a polar bear/whale

  4. Nothing is worse than very smelly urine... stop feeding her asparagus.
