Welcome to the life's story of Nawny our rescue Labrador...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So in addition to the blood tests for the suspected allergies, we also wanted to keep Nawny from any further biting.  She hates the "cone of silence" and usually stands facing a corner for minutes on end unsure what to do until we call her over.  Then she has the look of "I hate my life" in her eyes, so we looked for an alternative, and I must say the contraption is pretty darn effective.  Think of a neck brace for humans, but for dogs. HA!  It is called a bite-not collar and really does the trick, especially if your dog is like Nawny and doesn't like her field of vision blocked off with blinders.  It prevents the dog from reaching back or down to bite on her body which causes hot spots and missing patches of fur and hair.  There's also a strap that goes around her torso so that she can't slip it off over her head.  Might ingenious, bite-not team!